Home News 10 Things You Shouldn’t Buy At Costco

10 Things You Shouldn’t Buy At Costco

While Costco is well-known for its bulk bargains and value options, not everything at the warehouse is worth the price. It’s critical to know what to avoid, from things that may be obtained for less elsewhere to products that may not be of the highest quality. To get the most out of your Costco shopping experience, here are some items you should never buy there.


You might think you’re getting a fantastic deal by purchasing Coke in bulk at Costco instead of your local grocery store, but the price is usually the same whether you buy it in bulk or in smaller quantities. Unless you’re planning a huge party and expect to go through all of those cans rapidly, you should stick with your local grocery store.


Is this truly the greatest location to buy books? Instead of making an impulse buy for a single book you noticed on social media, consider supporting a small book shop or library. Smaller stores typically stock variant covers and supplementary editions, allowing you to improve your book shelf with a more distinctive title.

Toilet Paper

Typically, cheaper items may not be of the highest quality. This applies to Costco’s toilet paper as well. During the epidemic, customers complained that Kirkland toilet paper, while being purchased in bulk, wore out rapidly owing to its thin and low-quality manufacturing.

Over-the-counter medication

Medications like Advil and ibuprofen have expiration dates, so buying in bulk may not be the greatest option because those dates can catch up to you before you complete the bottle. It is better for you and your family to buy prescriptions as needed to avoid dealing with expired items and having too many supplies at home.

School and office supplies

According to frequent consumers, Costco isn’t always the greatest option for cheap office or school supplies and can be fairly costly. Retailers like as Target and Walmart frequently sell more economical stationery in smaller quantities, making it easier to keep and handle. So, instead of buying pens in bulk, go to a store near you.


Costco greens will not stay long unless you plan to utilize all of your vegetables in 1-2 days for a large gathering. The normal household will not consume large salad leaves, such as three entire lettuces, in a few days. To avoid food waste, it is best to buy fresh greens in grocery stores.


A former Costco staffer stated that tiny households sometimes purchase crates of veggies merely because they look to be a good value. However, unless you’re preparing for a large gathering, buying veggies from local grocery shops or markets guarantees that they’re used up and fresh.


Fruit, like vegetables, spoils fast when stored in large quantities. Bananas, in example, ripen quickly when bought in bunches, so buy only what your household requires. Purchasing too much will result in wasted food and money. Consider going to a fruit market for fewer quantities and more variety.

Name brand alcohol

Apparently, Grey Goose and Kirkland vodka have the same components, so why spend more for the name brand? Costco isn’t the ideal place to be loyal to recognized brands, especially since their in-house brands may offer virtually the same goods at a lower cost.

Liquid cleaning products

Liquid detergents deteriorate over time, so while a huge bottle of Tide may appear to be a good value, it may not clean your clothing adequately by the time you get to the bottom. It’s critical to consider the sizes of liquids you buy and how often you’ll really use them.