Your parents aren’t perfect, but they did their best for you

We always believe that everything we receive from our parents from love, care, and financial support is natural. Perhaps that holds true up to a certain age; However, when we have become aware of all that our parents do for us, the hard work of each parent,
we should act with more gratitude and respect towards them.
Parents are not perfect
And we don’t expect them to be. It is true that as children we idolize our parents, who are mirror images of the person we aspire to be; However, that vision changes as we reach adolescence and we begin to experience the vastness of life. We become more knowledgeable, more mature than we realize our parents are not perfect.
Well, they’re not perfect; but in fact they know more than us because of their age and experience. That’s why, for all their pain and suffering, they try to make us do things that they didn’t do, so that we don’t make the mistakes they did; They want us to have a life they don’t have.
Everything you’ve got and you owe your parents
Even if it costs you to realize it or your pride doesn’t allow it, if you have an academic degree or a better economic position and even a more stable family and a the house is more beautiful; You owe your parents everything and I’ll tell you why.
Your parents gave you life first.
Regardless of money or sacrifice, they did and did it all for our love. When you are a father, you love and sacrifice until the last day of your life.
Now, it’s not that you’re obligated to “pay that debt,” you do or don’t, as they did to you; That was the story of each person and what was in his heart. No one should give anything but obligation.
There are people who have not been cared for by their parents and instead have been watched by grandparents and uncles. At some point in their lives, their parents re-emerge, and the upbringing they received from their caregivers comes to the point where they end up giving kindness, care, and love to those around them. parents they have never seen for them. There are also people who do not respond in the same way, but that is a personal matter and we do not have to judge them for their decision.
Life is not easy
Life may not treat us as we would like; However, to make the road easier for us, he put our parents on it.
I know that one way or another, you’re aware of your parents’ sacrifices for you, but don’t wait for their death to make you say, “Thanks for everything, I love you.”
Go see them, visit them, hug them and tell them how much you love them, today. You, who are now a parent, know what they’ve been through with you and it won’t hurt if you let them know.
I wish you the best.