Home Jokes The Wife Is Shocked When She Sees Four Feet Hanging Off The...

The Wife Is Shocked When She Sees Four Feet Hanging Off The End Of Their Bed

One night, a wife comes home late from a night out with the girls.

She assumes her husband will already be in bed, so she quietly opens the door to their bedroom.

She’s sh0cked and enraged when she sees four feet instead of two, hanging off the end of the bed.

She was extremely angry and was about to call them up to talk. She went to the living room to relieve stress.


As she enters, she sees her husband sitting at the table, drinking a coffee and reading a magazine.

He looks up from his reading and says, “Hi, sweetheart, your parents have come to visit us,…”

“I let them stay in our bedroom,…”

“Did you say hello yet?”