The couple welcomed identical triplets ‘200m into one’ and now have 4 kids under the age of two
A young British couple are getting used to life as a family of five after beating odds of 200 million to conceive identical triplets.

The three boys – Archie, Albie and Arthur – were born 12 weeks early and parents Ellie Dudfield, 21, and Billy Revell, 20, were told there was only a 40% chance of survival.
But the triplets – who share a common placenta – defied all odds and are now at home with their parents and two-year-old sister Lola.
Proud mother from Kettering, Northampton, said: ‘Obviously we don’t lead typical lives like other people our age.
“It is hard but we’ve always been family orientated so we have made it work.
“The nurses were impressed by how mature we are when we were in NICU with the boys.
The ‘one in 200 million’ set of triplets were born earlier this year on June 30 at 28 weeks and two days following a miscarriage in November 2020.

They arrived at Kettering General hospital via c-section – Archie weighed 2lb 6oz, Albie, 2lbs 2oz and Arthur, 2lbs 4oz.
And if the triplets weren’t rare enough, Arthur was born in his amniotic sac which occurs in less than one in 80,000 births.

They were whisked straight off to the newborn intensive care unit which is when their fight for survival truly began.
“The triplets had a difficult start to life but Billy, who is a multi-trade operative, stayed strong which helped me a lot. He was so positive.
“Lola hated it because we had never been apart before.”
After 12 weeks in hospital, the family returned home in September.
The couple upgraded their five-seater car to a seven-seater one ahead of the arrival of the triplets.
They get through approximately 25 nappies per day and 18 bottles.
She adds: “Luckily, we purchased a three-bedroom house in 2019 so we didn’t have to upsize.
“Having triplets and a toddler is a lot of nappies and bottles.