My girlfriend told me her ex is much better in bed – I’m upset but I have to learn some way

Without going into too many details, your first time in bed with someone new is probably nevergoing to be mind-blowing.
After all, you don’t need to be a s*xpert to know it takes a little time to work out each other’s likes and dislikes.
But one surefire way to destroy the spark? Telling your new partner that they don’t compare to your ex.
Unfortunately for 19-year-old man, this is the exact scenario he’s found himself in with his new girlfriend.
Sharing his dilemma on Reddit, He explained how he had been seeing his partner for about a month and they had completed their relationship.
At first, he thought it had gone pretty well – especially when she said she’d finished three times and had one of the best orgasms of her life.
However, that still didn’t stop her from bringing up an old flame.
He wrote: “My girlfriend mentioned an ex of hers knew her body best and that he was the best s*x she’s had.”
At first, the man tried to brush it off – but understandably, the comment stung a little.
He added: “I made a joke saying, ‘yeah I’ll get there one day since this was literally our first time doing anything.’
“And she was kinda dismissive and just said ‘yeah.'”
Naturally, the man has started panicking a bit and interpreted his girlfriend’s comments as her saying he’ll never compare.
To me it seems like she enjoys sex with me but doesn’t believe I will ever be as good as her ex
He wrote: “To me it seems like she enjoys s*x with me but doesn’t believe I will ever be as good as her ex.”
Needless to say, people in the comments thought the girlfriend was being completely inappropriate.
One replied: “She seems to lack empathy and may still be hung up on her ex. Seems like a red flag if I ever saw one.”
Another added: “She had absolutely no reason to say that, or bring up sex with her ex at all. You are being WAY too nice.”
Meanwhile, a third wrote: “Even if it were true, things like this should just remain unsaid.”