I dabbed Lidl lotion on my 3-year-old daughter and moments later she started screaming in pain as red blotches appeared
A HORRIFIED mum watched as her toddler started screaming in pain after she dabbed a Lidl lotion on her face.

The three-year-old had red blotches cover her “in seconds” that lasted for 24 hours.
Lezah Thompson ran out of her usual lotion and decided to buy L.Ds’ private label, L.P., instead while out on her weekly shopping spree.
The 34-year-old stay-at-home mother said she applied cream to her daughter Thea’s face as usual, but within seconds she was “squealing” in pain.
After quickly rinsing off the lotion under the sink, she left red and sore spots all over her face for the next 24 hours.
After sharing her child’s challenge on social media, Lezah said she was contacted by a local environmental health worker and encouraged to report.

L.D said so far this has been an “isolated incident” but has requested that the product be sent back for inspection, at which point the investigation into the cause can continue.
Lezah, from Derry, Northern Ireland, said: “I normally use JS’s but I’d run out of that so and I was out in L.D doing my shopping so I thought I’ll give that a try.
“I just dabbed it on her face, on her cheeks, forehead and chin and just before rubbing it in she said ‘mummy that’s burning me’ and I looked down and saw the red.
“I knew straight away that something was wrong – I just thought that’s not normal.
“I got her to the water quickly and rinsed it off. She had red blotches all over her face and she started really squealing and saying it was burning.
“It happened within seconds. For the rest of the day I had to keep putting a damp cloth on her face to cool it down.
“I gave her paracetamol and thought if it’s still like that tomorrow then I’ll take her to the doctor and get her seen to.
“I’ll definitely never be using that lotion again.”
After 24 hours of pain with bright red skin, thankfully little Thea’s burns began to subside the next day as the redness began to subside.
Lezah asserted that her daughter had never had an allergic reaction to any cream or cosmetic product and reported it to Lidl for investigation.
Lezah said: “I contacted L.D and they said they’d get quality assurance to look into it for me and get back to me.
“I asked them multiple times through the week if there were any updates. They asked how long before the symptoms started, how long did it take to go down and did I take her to a doctor.
“So they’re looking into it as well. They said they’ve contacted Lidl but haven’t heard back from them yet.
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Lezah said she feels lucky that she was able to wash off the lotion quickly enough before it did more damage to her daughter’s skin.
She and husband Pat Thompson, 34, say they’re relieved they haven’t used lotion on one of their two young children, who may not have been able to tell them anything. is fine.
Spokespersons for D.C. and S.D.C confirmed that their Environmental Health team has received the complaint and is currently investigating the matter.