How To Make a Man αddíctєd To You (For Lifetime in 4 Playful Ways)

1. Be Yourself!
If you really want someone to get addicted to you, the best thing we can suggest is to be YOU! Be genuine and honest. You want him to know the real you. What are you interested in? What are you interested in? Are these things that he can relate to? If not, can you make your passions interesting what to talk about? Be creative!
Let him get hooked on the person he is falling in love with. Let him be attracted to your little actions and deeds that you do for him. Simply making him special will help you win his heart.
Be You! formula is very effective and leaves a lasting impression on his mind. Such an impact remains new forever and never fades with the passage of time.
2. Be Independent
Being or appearing to have a strong level of independence in your life can be a seriously powerful trait for many men to covet in their character.
Make your own money; make your own decisions; change your own light bulbs.
The less you ask him to do for you, the more he will see that you don’t need him. This will make him constantly search to find the ways to make you need him.
3. Live your life to the fullest
Having dreams to follow and things you are passionate about is what makes him extraordinary and really exciting to be with!
He will fall madly in love with you when he sees that you are free as a bird – that you are not afraid to follow your heart and live your life to the fullest!
4. Show him that you care about him
Showing that you really care about him can have some seriously powerful consequences when it comes to winning your man’s heart. It’s not just about asking him how he’s feeling, or how his day is going.