The couple in this photo invited birth photographer, Maegan Dougherty, into their hospital room to document the labor and delivery of their second child.
As a photographer, Maegan Dougherty knows better than to enter any given birth shoot with expectations. So when a woman in labor took a moment to breastfeed her 2-year-old before her contractions became too intense, photographer Dougherty went with the flow and started snapping.
Dougherty said: “We definitely didn’t plan this photo,”
“As a birth photographer, I bring to a birth my experience and knowledge—and very few expectations. I document each family’s story, however it may unfold.”
In fact, the photographer didn’t even think the toddler was coming.
Dougherty said: “I didn’t expect to see Kate’s daughter at the hospital,”
“I was excited when she was, because interactions and connections between parents and their children are my favorite to capture.”

While Dougherty’s photo has gained plenty of attention for showcasing a mom’s ability to divide her attention, she sees it another way.
Dougherty shared: “To me, this photo isn’t about being a supermom or women being good at multitasking. Those are just attention-grabbing headlines, apparently,”
“This photo is about making your birth what you want it to be. Finding a provider who will allow your child to visit, if that’s what you want. Who will allow your mom and sisters and birth photographer to be there when you give birth, if that’s what you want. Who will teach you about natural induction methods, if you are interested. It’s also about birth and breastfeeding being normal and natural, while also beautiful and miraculous at the same time. It’s about doing what we know is best for our own family, and accepting without judgement that that is different for everyone.”
Thank you to Maegan Dougherty for providing these stunning images, and this birth story. Below is more of a glimpse into the New Jersey couple’s birth shoot. Check out more Dougherty’s family-centric photos at
