‘My boyfriend’s leaving me because I stopped wearing make-up after I gave birth’

‘My boyfriend left me because I didn’t wear makeup after giving birth’
A weary new mom has revealed that her partner wanted to end their relationship because she stopped trying after giving birth to their son.
She explained that she and her lover have been a couple for two and a half years, having recently welcomed their first child.
But only seven weeks after their son was born, her boyfriend’s mother told her that she wanted to break up with her for the most “familiar” reason.
He tells her that he no longer loves her and everything has changed but then goes on to point out that since their son was born, she hasn’t tried anything with his looks. her look, especially since she doesn’t wear makeup or shave anymore.
This woman admitted that although she regularly shaves her armpits, she is not interested in shaving her bikini area just because her scar on her c-section has not completely healed.
She took to Netmums to ask users for reassurance and to find out if they thought her partner had a valid point of view.
She said: “The way I feel my son doesn’t sleep well as it is he’s up every 2 hours and sometimes awake from 12am till 7am and I’m the one who does every night shift, all the cleaning in the house, bottles everything so whilst my son sleeps through the day I’ve got the cleaning to do and the dog to entertain so I don’t get time to do my makeup or anything else.
“When he gets in from work he makes something to eat, sits down for ten minutes with our son then finds something else to keep him busy pops out somewhere or something.
“I just don’t have time to do makeup or shave! And if I did have time I’d choose to do something else other than that! It’s just made me feel a bit rubbish about myself.
“He says I’m not affectionate on top of all of that and says I turn my back to him at night (I have to to settle our son to sleep in his next to me crib and then I feel like it’s mean to turn away from him to turn to my partner (what if the blankets go over his head or something) I’m just a really worried first time parent and I don’t think he understands that for the first couple of months my mind and attention is going to be on OUR son.
“Surely that’s what makes me a good mum you don’t palm somebody off because of it.”
But mums were disgusted with his shallow behaviour.
One said: “Good grief, what is wrong with the bloke?? He doesn’t deserve a family. I’ve had 3 kids and each one was difficult on my body. Sorry but his attitude disgusts me.”