When Selah and Shylah Oglesby entered the world of fusion together as children, their parents weren’t sure if both sisters would survive.

Two years later, the Indiana family is gathering to celebrate. Two identical twin girls filming 2 on Thur
The Oglesbys discovered they were having conjoined twins during a routine ultrasound at 20 weeks pregnant.
“My heart sank,” Misty Oglesby, 36, told TODAY. “I was thinking: How are we going to deal with this? It’s just shocking.”
sᴜʀɢᴇᴏɴs at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital separated the girls on January 28, 2015, in an operation that lasted about 12 hours. The twins are 3 months old.

Oglesby gave birth via C-section on October 27, 2014, at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center. The twins, when she was 31 weeks pregnant, were able to breathe on their own.
They are joined together at the abdomen, they share a liver, the base of the sternum and part of the diaphragm. But their hearts, lungs, and intestines were separated.
But both kids made it through.

Selah is working with physical, occupational, and speech therapists. Her heart function is now normal. Both sisters still need tube feeding.
Oglesby calls his daughters very happy little girls who are doing “wonderful”.
They are typical toddlers, running around the house, getting inside things, throwing tantrums and starting to talk, she said.