Finding your partner is no easy task.
Women and men tend to have completely different views when it comes to their relationships, however, that doesn’t mean they don’t agree on certain aspects.
When it comes down to the little things that make a relationship fulfilling in a woman’s eyes, most women out there find they want the same thing the next one does.
Every girl looks up to be valued, appreciated, and loved by her partner. They want a man who fits their ideology of a perfect partner.
Whether you are looking for ways to make your girl smile a little more often or make her fall in love with you all over again, knowing what she cherishes will surely stand you in good stead.
So, consider these 7 things that every woman happens to look for in her Mr. Right.

1. Values You For Who You Are
Young ladies are watching out for folks who value every little thing about them. On the off chance that she made a special effort to prepare a unique feast for an event, she needs her better half to take it in and feel a debt of gratitude. It’s so significant for her that he values the easily overlooked details she does, considerably more than the large things. In the event that you wear a unique dress your person likes, you believe he should commend you, correct? Obviously, you do. All things considered, you are apparently wearing it since you realize he prefers it.
2. Makes you feel secure
Every girl out there wants to feel secure, and not just in a physical sense. Of course, she wants her man to be strong and be able to tackle a guy if he tries to harm her, but there’s so much more to it. She also wants a partner who makes her emotionally secure, with whom she feels safe. Such a form of security can be hard to find sometimes, but when you do, it’s definitely worth holding onto.
3. Give You His Time
Each young lady needs to invest quality energy with her person. Also, there can not be anything more dilapidating when she feels like she’s not getting any from him. A large number of you know the drill. The man is too bustling going to office tasks or on the telephone settling on decisions or sending messages to give a lot of consideration to the young lady he has directly before him. Young ladies favor somebody who will focus on them, who will be there through various challenges, through the simple times and the harsh times, somebody whose greatest dream is to remain with her for eternity.
4. Makes you laugh often
There’s nothing like an amusing guy who can make your day. When you’re feeling low or upset because your boss yelled at you, or because you gained a few kilos over that long weekend getaway, a funny guy can instantly cheer you up with a few choice words. He doesn’t have to be a comedian for this to work; he just needs to be able to laugh at himself and with you to let the magic happen.
5. Respects you
Respect goes a long way in making a relationship work, but when it’s not there it can totally ruin it in a jiffy. You desire a guy who respects what you do with your life and how you want to live it. He should respect your job and the goals you are actively trying to achieve. He should also respect you enough to not be fiddling on the phone while the two of you are together on a date, or bring up past hook-ups you are in no mood to hear about.
6. Shows Interest In Your Hobbies
While he could abhor watching Netflix or disdain making cleansers with you, it means everything to you when he does one of the two since he knows that they are mean quite a bit to you. Being seeing someone times suggests splits the difference, and on the off chance that you’re willing to place in your weight, he ought to be, as well. Furthermore, who knows, he could try and wind up preferring something new he attempts – like learning another dialect. Young ladies need somebody who will uphold their wild dreams in general; somebody who will urge them to depend on their instincts and advise them that they have the stuff to make it.
7. Pampers you from time to time
Girls love being pampered by their better halves. Buy her a branded luxury watch, take her out shopping, ask her how her day went, give her a backrub when she is dealing with those awful period cramps or simply cook something special for her. These acts of love will mean the world to her.
No matter what you look for in a guy first, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that being attractive, confident, light-hearted, and easy to talk to ranks high on the checklist. You can use some of these traits to make a woman fall in love with you!