I gave birth on the second day of vacation – I had no idea I was pregnant and my family thought it was a Photoshop joke

A woman with a stomachache on holiday has been shocked after realizing she was actually going into labor – when she had no idea she was pregnant.
Anneli Risberg, then 44, from Sweden vacationed to Majorca with her teammate Mats Gustavsson, then 46, and Mats’ brother and his wife back in 2018.
Anneli and Mats have been dating for several years and have just taken the big step of deciding to move in together.

The couple plan to see Anneli’s two children from a previous marriage every week and then enjoy the time traveling and exploring.
The couple arrived at the hotel and spent the first two days sunbathing and drinking cocktails.
On the second day, Anneli went swimming in the pool and then went to the bar for some drinks.
She felt a strange sensation running down her leg and realized that she was urinating.
Embarrassed, she rushed to her room to change clothes, but in the elevator on the way up, she felt a sharp pain in her stomach.
She decided to get out of bed to rest and hope that the pain would ease.
Mats, who was mentally preparing for the holidays and had some drinks at this point, went to check on his girlfriend and only found out that she was about to go into labor.
Anneli, now 47, said: “I didn’t have any of the typical signs of pregnancy so I had no idea that I was carrying a baby. I hadn’t gained any weight or experienced anything else that would give me an indication.
“I have two sons who are 10 and 14, so I know what it feels like to be pregnant but this caught me completely off guard. I was in complete shock when I realised what was going on.”
Mats, now 50, said: “We hadn’t planned to have a baby and this was my first child. I had been down at the bar with the rest of our group all afternoon and I was pretty drunk.
“When Anneli first said she was in labour I laughed! I couldn’t believe it was possible when we were using contraceptive injections which are supposed to be 97 per cent safe and effective.”

Chaos broke out at the hotel when the reality of the situation finally sank in and Mats rushed to the front desk to ask for their help.
Stunned hotel staff called an ambulance and Anneli was taken to an ambulance on a stretcher and Mats followed closely behind in a taxi.
Anneli said: “The nurse in the ambulance didn’t speak any English and it was difficult to make myself understood.
“I was so distressed not being able to communicate. It was worrying listening to the instructions in Spanish and having no idea what was being said.”
Baby William was born in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. Anneli stayed in the ward to recuperate afterwards and was fortunate enough to share a room with a mother who speaks seven languages and can act as an interpreter.
She said: “I was in total shock. We had gone away for a relaxed holiday with a suitcase packed full of bikinis and now we needed to buy all the basic kit you need for a baby.”
In addition to shopping for a car seat, clothes, cleaning cloths and all the other things needed for a newborn, they also had to organize the paperwork so they could get William’s passport and bring him home. Sweden.
The paperwork took a while, so the trio had to extend their vacation to get things sorted.
But the couple’s next challenge is to make the family believe they have a baby.
Mats started by calling his brother, who was returning to the hotel, to tell him the shocking news but he thought it was just a practical joke and hung up the phone with him several times.
The rest of the family also distrusted and even accused the pair of making a Photoshop prank.
In the end, Mats had to shoot a video from the hospital and send it to his family in Sweden, who eventually understood that it wasn’t a joke.
A lot of people crowded to help the couple because of their unexpected appearance.
Mats said: “People offered help in so many different ways, clothes for William, practical advice, even a cot so we could bring him back to the hotel and it made things so much easier.”