Secrets Men Use To Attract Ladies Without Saying A Word

Body language plays a big role in attracting women, but we often forget how we can leverage body language to attract women or our crush to us.
1. Make eye contact whenever you can
Eye contact is one of the greatest non-verbal communications between people. You see everything you need to see in a person just by looking into their eyes. However, make sure that you don’t start looking at her in a creepy way while making eye contact. Keep her within your gaze, but look away from time to time.
2. Confident body language.
What do you want to show people? What impression do you want them to have of you? If you want them to see you as a confident man, play the part. Shoulders back, hands at your sides, and head up. Come on, man, you can do this.
3. Use Your Signature Scent
As you might imagine, smell plays a pivotal role in how you attract women without talking to them.
This is especially true for women, who boast over 40% more olfactory cells in their brains than we do. That’s right; they can easily pick up on your scent.
4. Show social proof
Your friends certainly help you with your self-image. Talk to them, play with them. In other words, have fun when you go out with your friends. If a woman is interested in you, she watches how you interact with your friends. That’s the best way to see what kind of man you are.
5. Your energy.
The energy and vibes you send out are extremely important. It is also linked to your confidence. If you sulk in the corner, your energy is not something that many people want to be around.
6. Most men attract women because they are fun.
Girls are often attracted to men who can make them happy. In most cases, money is ineffective in solving this issue. The most practical way to do this is if you have a good sense of humor. A woman’s love for a person who makes them snort with amusing comments will grow quickly.