If She Has These Characteristics Please Run From Her- She Will Finish You

1. She is very dismissive
You can’t have a conversation with her without her complimenting you and taking an interest in you. She is always self-centered and selfish. She will never stand up for you in anything unless it benefits her.
2. The “I don’t care” type.
It is nice to have a beautiful woman by your side. The problem with your girlfriend, however, is that she doesn’t care about anyone but herself. She is still small, and she will spend an hour before the mirror, and her food is not packed, her clothes have not been pressed, and the baby is not fed. If you marry her, yours is going to be a shitty house.
3. The mad and angry one
Whatever she is, she is cynical and unlikely. Marrying her involves you in her anger and resentment. Your life will be punctuated by her impossible tantrums over trivial matters. Please leave this guy alone.
4. Extravagant
She likes all the money she can afford. If she doesn’t go shopping, she will make a list of what to buy. She does everything she can to be classy and convince her friends that she can afford it all. If you can’t meet her materialistic needs, she will find someone else to do it. Don’t marry her.
5. She never shaves
She never really cares about personal hygiene. You will see her in heels that have not been washed, the windows in her house are dirty, and there are still too many dishes in her sink. Let me warn you that your children will be the dirtiest in the community, and several times “you won’t bring your friends because your house is dirty.”