7 Secrets to Keep Your Man In Love With You Forever

1. Choose wisely
Who you choose ultimately determines whether your relationship will succeed or fail. Choose a guy who is compatible with you, who wants the same kind of relationship you want, and who is sure he wants you!
2. Support him, admire him, and believe in him.
Make him feel comfortable and assure him that he can share anything he wants with you, just as he would with his friends.
See him in his entirety – the man he is and the man he wants to be – and accept and appreciate all of that. Support him, admire him, and believe in him.
3. Love him the way he wants to be loved
We all experience love differently, and so we give and receive love in different ways. If he feels loved in the relationship, he will stay in love with you.
4. Have many sources of happiness
Have fun and fulfill a life outside the relationship – don’t let it be your only source of happiness. Maintain your friendships, keep up with your hobbies, have many sources of fulfillment. This keeps a relationship fresh and interesting, because it keeps you interesting.
5. Be your best self.
Be your best self physically and emotionally. Be physically fit and healthy, and deal with your problems in a way that brings your best and happiest self into the relationship, making it a self that your man wants to stay in.
6. Never talk about your past in fights
If you ever have a fight, never mention his past. He has chosen to move on and be with you. So, respect him and make sure you never talk about his past. Don’t forget that he trusted you when he shared his past with you. Don’t use this against him.
7. Give him his space
Men sometimes love to be left alone. They love their space and get irritated when that space is invaded. If your man seems stressed or a bit disconnected, just give him some time to cool off. Also if your man wants to be alone and do his usual things like watch his favorite shows or games, let him be. They deserve time alone too.