7 Reasons Why Unhappy Couples Stay Married

1. For the children
A common claim for people who will stay in an unhappy marriage is that they stay together for the children.
Often couples stay together to see the children through school and break up shortly after they have flown the nest.
2. Fear of hurting our partners
People are motivated to stay in relatively unsatisfying relationships for the sake of their romantic partner, rather than putting their own interests first.
3. Fear of judgment
Those considering divorce can often be worried about what their friends and families might think.
It is quite understandable that many of those considering getting a divorce are afraid of judgment and criticism from those around us.
4. Financial Reasons
Couples often run away from marital issues to maintain their status.
Investment theory explains how people stay in a relationship to protect their resources. They would only leave a relationship for a better partner, infidelity, or another serious issue they cannot ignore.
5. For religious reasons
Another big reason why many unhappy couples stay together is their religious belief. This has to do with the religious belief that marriage is sacred. Thus, they see separation as one of the worst things any couple can do.
5. Sense of identity
Being a girlfriend, wife, husband, boyfriend, or partner is a massive part of our identities. When we are no longer in a relationship or marriage, we can sometimes feel lost and unsure of ourselves. This can be a pretty scary feeling that seems to contribute to many people’s reasoning behind staying with their current partner despite their discontent.
6. The fear of the unknown
Because of the fear of what might happen, how they will feel, or how things will be if they take the plunge and opt for a divorce. It’s not just the divorce process that is a scary prospect, but the time that follows.