8 Ways a Man Makes His Wife Feel ᴜɢʟʏ without Saying a Thing

1. He withholds compliments.
A woman longs to be noticed, and when her husband-the one whose opinion matters most-fails to give a compliment, she begins to wonder, “Am I still lovable? Is there something wrong with me?”.
2. You have no pictures of your wife – anywhere.
If a man is serious about affirming his woman 24/7, he should frame a picture of her and put it in a prominent place. Even a quick change of the wallpaper on his phone will do the trick.
3. He drools frequently.
For every married man who does a double take on the beach or repeatedly looks at the hottie in aisle five, there is a married woman who feels unwanted and inadequate. Eventually, she will believe that she is not good enough.
4. He never gives her gifts.
The woman will never forget how beautiful I felt the day her husband bought me a blouse he picked out on his own. Why? Because he thought she would look good in it. But the best gift a man can give his wife with kinship ties is himself.
5. He constantly looks at his phone.
When a man makes the first move and puts down his phone, making eye contact as if it were his first date, his wife is sure to feel seen and heard – the opposite of ugly.
6. He eats the last cupcake so she doesn’t.
When a man eats the last cupcake to “help” his wife lose weight, or when he strategically places his gym shoes at the foot of their bed, she will feel straight up ugly. Even though he thinks he’s doing it on the sly, she knows exactly what’s going on.
That’s why it’s important for a husband to show affection for his wife now, fit or not.
7. He doesn’t mind when other men pay attention to his wife.
Not all jealousy is sinful. If a husband catches another man flirting with his wife, he has a right to be jealous; he should be jealous. It is perfectly appropriate for a man to feel the same way about his wife – in a healthy, non-creepy way, of course. Not only will a touch of healthy jealousy protect your marriage, it will make your wife feel like a great catch.
8. He speaks more favorably about other women than he does about his wife.
When a wife overhears her husband refer to the lady next door as “beautiful” or “brilliant”-two words he has never said to her-she will feel anything but beautiful.