So you’re in a new relationship and things are going great. You’re both excited about each other and can’t wait to see what the future holds. But as time goes on, you can’t help but wonder – is he going to chєαt on me? A lot of women wonder about this, and it can be a big source of anxiety for them.
While there’s no surefire way to know for sure, there are some signs that may suggest he’ll chєαt in the future. By being aware of them, you can take steps to protect yourself and safeguard your relationship. So what are these signs he will chєαt on you in the future? Keep reading to find out.

1. He puts no effort in the relationship
This is one of the obvious signs he will chєαt in the future. If you want to maintain a relationship, you need to put in equal effort. At the onset of the relationship, he might have bent over backward to meet you, take you on a date, and to tell you how much he loves you. But now, there’s no effort in the relationship from his side.
2. He is an excellent liar
Did he lie he was with his friends and you found out through other sources that he wasn’t actually with them? Did he tell you he was going on a work trip but there was no such trip planned in the first place? A relationship is built on love, trust, and honesty. When there’s no honesty from his side, you can’t expect loyalty either. The signs of a lying spouse won’t be apparent in the beginning but they can’t keep lying to you and think they will get away with it.
3. Tries to gaslight you
Gaslighting is emotional abuse. It’s a tactic to assert power and control over the other person. At the heart of it, gaslighting inflicts emotional damage on a person. Your partner is trying to undermine your reality and gut feeling by denying truths and facts. He will use gaslighting phrases in the relationship to try and distort your reality.
4. He doesn’t share his future plans
If he is serious about you, he would tell you about his future plans. Things like where he wants to live, whether he wants to start a new business in the future, or when he wants to get married. If he dodges such questions and runs away from such conversations, it could be one of the signs he will chєαt in the future.
5. He hasn’t deleted any of the dating apps
What’s the use of dating apps? To meet new people, go on dates with them, and if their vibes match, then possibly start a romantic relationship. If the two of you are exclusive, then this is one of the signs he is talking to someone else or he will chєαt in the future or that he is already ᴄʜᴇᴀᴛɪɴɢ on you. Confront him about this and ask him to delete those apps if the two of you are committed.
Some people are sly. They might delete those apps but they won’t delete their profile. I can say this because I’ve been there. My former boyfriend very confidently showed me his phone and said, “Look, I’ve deleted the apps.” Later, a friend told me that she saw his profile on Tinder; he was pretty active there. Be smart about it especially if you have a gut feeling your partner is chєαtíng on you.
6. He is overprotective about his phone
If your partner doesn’t even let you take a peek at his phone, then you have something to worry about. What is he so afraid of? Yes, he could be watching pσrn or he could be planning a surprise birthday party for you. But you can’t be sure about that. If you want to know how to catch a chєαtíng partner, then find out if he has recently changed his password or if he hesitates to tell you those 4 digits. When you knew each other’s passwords before, why is he hiding it now? This is one of the alarming signs he will chєαt in the future or is chєαtíng on you already.
It’s not just his phone he is protective about. He won’t let you touch his iPad, laptop, or any other gadget which can hold information. You should go with your gut feeling and consider it as one of the signs he is talking to someone else. I am not asking you to invade his personal space and check his phone. If he is honest and has nothing to hide, he won’t mind you using his phone once in a while, right?
7. He has chєαtєd before
Look at your partner’s relationship history. He could have chєαtєd once with his former partner. But if that has always been his pattern, then that’s worrisome. Has he never been loyal in any of his relationships? Has he been disloyal with you as well? If that’s the case, then you may be right about your gut feeling that your partner is chєαtíng on you.
8. He is still in touch with his ex
There’s nothing wrong with being friends with one’s ex. But if your partner is still in touch with his former partner and acts strange around you every time he meets them, then there are chances he still has feelings for them. It’s one of the signs he is not over his ex. You need to find out if he has always been in touch with his ex from the time they broke up or he started talking to them recently. If it’s the latter, then it could be one of the signs he will cheat in the future.