7 ‘Stupid’ things men do when they fall in love

Just as women do silly things for love, men also do things that don’t make sense in the name of love.
1. Borrow things to impress:
Some men would borrow clothes, shoes even boxers just to impress a lady. Some men might borrow a friend’s car just to prove to a lady that they are capable of taking care of her.
Why borrow to impress a lady?
Your material possessions would seduce her, but how long would you pretend to be someone you are not? You are making her fall in love with someone who is not you and when she eventually finds out, she will abandon that relationship.
2. Stalking a lady:
It’s funny when a guy chases a girl who is not even interested in him because in his mind, he is in love with her. When did loving someone become by force? If she is not interested, move on.
There are other girls, after all. It is not logical to be pursuing a woman for any purpose. Get a grip.
3. Deny your family and friends:
No matter your family background, you should be proud of your family. It is ridiculous to deny your family and friends because you want a lady to love you, who will one day leave you for another man.
4. Wash his trousers:
This is the apex of it all. What kind of love would make a man become his girlfriend’s trouser washer while she is in perfect health and has no diseases?
5. Cut off all his friends and family:
Some men will fight with anyone who tries to tell them the truth about their relationship. They cut off anyone who opposes their love relationship.
6. Taking her out and not eating anything:
Some men would take a girl out, knowing they can’t afford to eat for two and allow the girl to order while they watch. Some would say they are not hungry, when in reality they are starving.
7. Borrowing money to buy you things you can’t afford:
It is only fair that you cut your coat according to your cloth. Let her know if you can’t afford it. How much longer will you keep borrowing money to buy her things she doesn’t need?
As a man: Have you done some insane things to impress a lady? For Ladies: Has a man done some insane things to impress you? Share your thoughts on the comments.