6 Practical Marriage Tips From Divorced Men to Help Your Marriage

1. Make time for your partner and make it a real priority
No matter how busy you are at work and with your friends, it is important to make time for your partner. Make them a priority and never let them feel like a chore.
The more time you invest in the relationship and help them realize their value to you, the stronger your bond will be.
2. Make sure you make them feel loved, never assume they know
Too many men assume that their partner knows how they feel, but you need to tell them that. Say “I love you” often and mean it! Let them feel how important they are to you by the way you talk to them, think about them, and act with them. Never assume that they understand unless you say it.
3. Be patient
Your partner and both of you need to be patient. Be respectful to your partner and don’t lose it with your wife. Your temper can bring out the worst in you and you may end up saying things that will make you regret it later. Even if you tell him that you didn’t mean it, the damage is done. Your responsibility is to build them up, not tear them down as a spouse.
4. Take her out on dates
No matter how long you’ve been together, small dates every now and then are important. Always go out on dates and make time for each other, for each other. You can’t take it for granted. Make time for each other, remember why you are together.
5. Be a good listener
Half listening to your partner is nothing but slow poison for your marriage. Be present in that moment and listen to them. Respond to what your partner is saying and talk. Focus on the present instead of reflecting on the past and thinking about other things when your partner is talking.
6. Give space
Giving your partner space is very important. Give them wings to fly rather than putting conditions on them. Encourage them, ask them to go out with their friends whenever they want. Tell your partner that it is important to have a life without you too. That should be their own space. This helps people nurture themselves and gives them confidence.