5 Signs You’re Not Meant To Be With Your Partner

1. Your values don’t align with each other.
With you and your partner being two completely different people, your life values not aligning with each other are some major points that prove you both are not meant to be together.
2. You can’t be honest with them
Do you feel that sometimes you can’t be honest with your partner, about how you are feeling what you are thinking or what your opinion is?
3. Your relationship is stalling you and holding you back.
Your relationship needs to continually push and motivate you to be a better person. If you find that your relationship holds you back and pulls you away from your dreams, then that is not a good relationship for you.
4. Constantly question yourself about whether the struggles are worth it.
You wouldn’t have to ask yourself this question if you were truly in a loving relationship with the one you are meant to be with. In fact, when you are with the one you are in a relationship with, then the struggles would be absolutely minimal.
5. You don’t trust each other
Trust is one of the main pillars of any relationship, and if you and your partner have trouble trusting each other, this is one of the main points of not belonging together and your relationship not working in the future.