4 Ways to protect your husband…Because he needs it too

1. Protect Your Feelings
You can start by protecting your feelings. Your husband may not come right out and talk about what he is feeling, but trust that he has some. When he decides to share, try to listen carefully and avoid being judgmental. Nothing stops a person from feeling judged or misunderstood faster than feeling judged or misunderstood. Make sure your husband knows he is safe with you no matter what. Protect him by giving him space and freedom to simply be.
2. Protect your heart
Next, you can choose to guard your heart. Do your best not to hurt your man. Declare today that you will never be the one to make him cry. Your husband should be able to trust you completely. It is important that you keep your promises. Remember, infidelity and disrespect hurt.
3. Be on his side in public.
It’s worth noting that many women feel that a man can stand up for himself, and so they don’t need to publicly show that they are on his side. Of course, any man or woman can stand up for themselves, but within a loving relationship, you should be able to count on your partner to be a source of support when you feel insecure or challenged by others. Even if your partner doesn’t agree with you 100%, that can be discussed later and not in front of anyone else.
4. Defend your honor
Finally, protect your husband by defending his honor. You should not allow anyone else to speak ill of our husbands, and you should not do that either. Now I know that your man can aggravate you to no end, but you should still be aware of how you talk about him when he is not around. Just as you want your husband to stand up for you, you must be willing to do the same for him.
By protecting your husband, you will also find that you are safeguarding your marriage. Again, you can do this in a variety of ways. The key is to remember that it has to be done.