Home Health 4 best ginger combinations that can help you lose weight

4 best ginger combinations that can help you lose weight

As a well-known spice used worldwide, ginger is not just a flavor enhancer. It’s a powerhouse of health benefits, one of which is aiding in weight loss. In this article, we will delve into the science behind ginger’s weight loss properties, how to use it effectively, and precautions to consider.

The Science Behind Ginger and Weight Loss

Ginger contains gingerols and shogaols – the compounds that stimulate several biological activities in your body when you consume ginger. They are potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds that have been linked to many health benefits.

Gingerols for Weight Loss

Gingerols are powerful anti-inflammatory compounds that can effectively reduce inflammation and also increase metabolism and fat burning in the body.

Shogaols for Weight Loss

Shogaols are formed when gingerols are dried or cooked. They also have powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. But more importantly, shogaols have been shown to help suppress appetite, making you eat less and lose weight in the process.

How to Use Ginger for Weight Loss

There are several ways you can incorporate ginger into your diet to aid weight loss. Here are a few methods:

1. Ginger lemon water

Ginger and lemon when consumed together can give your metabolism a great boost. Lemon juice and ginger both act as an appetite suppressant, which stops you from unnecessary binging and thus help you lose weight.
How to use: You can simply squeeze a lemon in your ginger tea and have it regularly. This will help you stay hydrated and feel fuller for longer. You can have ginger lemon water or ginger lemon tea two-three times a day to maximise the benefits.

2. Apple cider vinegar and ginger for weight loss

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) works wonder when it comes to weight loss. When ACV is combined with ginger, it boosts the antiglycemic and antioxidant properties of both the ingredients.

How to use: The simplest way to consume both the ingredients is by blending them together. You can also prepare ginger tea and add ACV to it when it cools down. If you add ACV in too hot tea, it will lose its probiotic effect.

3. Green tea and ginger for weight loss

It’s no secret now that green tea aids weight loss, boosts your metabolism and has many other health benefits. When ginger is combined with green tea, its weight loss benefits increases.

How to use: To combine the powerful effects of both the ingredients, you can add ginger to green tea while brewing it. You can drink this 2-3 times a day to promote weight loss.

4. Ginger juice for weight loss

Having ginger juice alone can do wonders for weight loss. Ginger juice typically includes other ingredients like honey, lemon and water, which have hydrating, immune boosting and antioxidant properties.