Home Tricks-Tips 3 steps to clean the washing machine

3 steps to clean the washing machine

The washing machine is an essential household appliance at home. To ensure its longevity and preserve your clothes, you must maintain it regularly. But, even when cleaning it from time to time, let’s bet that there is one element that you neglect far too often. We are talking about the laundry drawer, the place where you pour detergents and softeners intended for washing. Remember that a superficial maintenance will never banish all the incrustations and residues that remain stuck in some small corners.
Some would say that for optimal maintenance, it would be necessary to remove this famous drawer from the washing machine. But yes, precisely!

Step 1: How to clean the laundry drawer?

Social networks, like Facebook or Tik Tok, are often the scene of more ingenious tricks from each other. Videos about household chores are constantly multiplying to eventually become viral, so they seduce Internet users. Among them, we discovered that of a young woman who stages her ingenious method of cleaning the drawer of the washing machine. Like many people, she reveals that she was completely unaware that it was possible to remove the laundry bin: “How did I not know that this drawer was removable?! “, she exclaimed. “I decided to take a look in the drawer of the washing machine and found that there was a small button that allowed me to pull the drawer out completely. And there, let’s just say that the observation was appalling. There was mold and a lot of dirt hidden behind it!

As a result, the comments went well below the video. Everyone wanted to talk about their own experience on this subject. “I decided to leave the drawer in a solution of warm soapy water, before applying a more powerful remedy.” , says someone who was also finally able to remove the drawer from the device.

Another said, “To be very honest, I also just found out that it was possible to remove this drawer. I didn’t really know how to do it until then. Now, with a little boiling water, washing up liquid and cleaning with an old toothbrush, the drawer has become cleaner than ever!”

Now you know what you have to do. And besides, it is necessary to consider carrying out this cleaning regularly, because it is precisely the residues of detergents and mold that eventually develop the bad odors that are impregnated on your clothes.

Step 2: How to clean your washing machine?

High temperature vacuum program: Pour 1 litre of white vinegar into the drum and run a 90°C vacuum program to disinfect the tank and remove bacteria. It is recommended to do this twice a year.
Cleaning the drum: To remove bad odors, clean the inside of the drum, seal and window with a cloth soaked in white vinegar. White vinegar will also restore freshness to your washing machine.
Drying the drum: Make sure to leave the window open after each wash to allow proper drying of the drum.

Step 3: How to get rid of bad odors in the washing machine?

And of course, there is nothing more upsetting than feeling that unpleasant musty smell on our laundry right after washing. As mentioned, mold can easily build up inside your washing machine, resulting in this strong scent that can quickly harm allergic people. How to get rid of it? First of all, it is important to clean the washing machine from time to time with an effective descaling solution. You can alternate chemicals with homemade remedies, such as a mixture of baking soda and distilled white vinegar. These natural ingredients are excellent for descaling and disinfecting the device. Simply add this solution to the laundry bin and run a vacuum cycle at 90°C.

It is also important not to overlook the following factors:

Leave the door open after the wash cycle

Golden rule: always remember to leave the washing machine door open after washing your clothes, to ventilate the drum properly. If you keep it closed, the air will not enter and bacteria will grow due to excess moisture inside.

Wipe the door seal after each wash

Speaking of humidity, be sure to dry the rubber seal of the door as well. Use a clean cloth after each wash. If you do not do this, the water in the joint can quickly lead to bad odors.