Home Moral Stories 16 Bone-Chilling Stories That Prove Reality Can Be Scarier Than Fiction

16 Bone-Chilling Stories That Prove Reality Can Be Scarier Than Fiction

Surely, each of us has seen instances in which it is impossible to describe what is going on logically. Here are the stories of 16 other people who, like you, can’t find a rational explanation for what happened to them.

For illustrative purpose only.

Story 1

I awoke one night to the sound of my phone ringing. I glanced at the computer; it was my mother. But my mother ᴅɪᴇᴅ two years ago. I froze, staring at the screen, my heart racing in my chest. The phone continued ringing, so I answered it, my voice quivering as I said, “Hello?” There was a brief moment of silence on the other end before I heard my mother’s clear voice say, “Why did you leave me?” The call ended, and I sat there, immobilized, as if reality had slid away from me.

Story 2

A automobile disappeared on the highway immediately behind me. It was a straight stretch, so I could see that he did not pull to the side or anything. He wasn’t in my blind spot because I moved my head to look, and he hadn’t past me or turned off anywhere because it was a highway. He was gone in an instant.

I glanced in my rearview mirror to see him approaching, then looked back forward for a time before returning to the rearview—and poof—he was gone without a trace. It was unsettling. © C***ide_Kit**_101 / Reddit

Story 3

I received a voicemail a few months ago from an unknown number. The voice on the other end was familiar, but I couldn’t place it. They called out my name and then warned, “Don’t go to the basement.” There is no basement in my home. I ignored it, supposing it was a joke, but that night, I heard a peculiar scraping sound coming from beneath my floors. The next morning, I discovered a previously unseen door leading down to a set of stairs. I slammed it shut, but I’ve been hearing footsteps beneath me every night since.

Story 4

A few months ago, I awoke to find a towering, black figure standing over my bed, but because I suffer from sleep paralysis, I dismissed it as a hallucination and went back to sleep. My mother-in-law was staying in the spare room that night, and in the morning, she began telling me how she awoke with the sensation that she was being watched. © thisguy_94 / Reddit

For illustrative purpose only.

Story 5

When I was in second grade, I became really hungry and ill one day during class. I toughed it out until lunchtime, but on the way to the cafeteria, my vision shifted, and I could only see in black and white. As soon as I began eating, my usual vision returned.

The nurse sent me home with a fever later, but I’ve always wondered how it was possible to go colorblind for a short period of time. My family still doesn’t trust me. © bennettr08 / Reddit

Story 6

I was hanging out with pals a few years ago when they decided to use a Ouija board. I thought it was ridiculous and refused to touch it. My pals advised me to ask it a question, so I agreed.

I still wasn’t touching it and asked it to guess a five-digit number I was thinking of. It wasn’t something like “12345”; it was random. I didn’t tell anyone about the number. It guessed correctly. © ASmallBitPyromanic / Reddit

Story 7

My mother and I were about to eat lunch. She served my dish and herself, and just as she sat down, my plate cracked in half in a perfect line. Ten seconds later, a strong gust knocked down one of the window blinds. We glanced at one other, and my mother remarked, “Oh no, something bad happened.”

She is quite superstitious. About five minutes later, she received a call informing her that her father (my grandfather) had ᴅɪᴇᴅ. I’ve never had an encounter like that before. © Un***lyHumanG** / Reddit

Story 8

When I was a kid, I had a dream that I was answering questions on my arithmetic test. It was really vivid; I could see the questions and the tasks I was performing. The next day, we got that arithmetic test, and it was exactly like in my dream. © Nickynui / Reddit

For illustrative purpose only.

Story 9

I remember waking up in the middle of the night as an elementary school student and feeling terribly paranoid. When I looked toward my door, I saw my mother standing there, simply a black shape in the entryway. I called out to her (“mom”) and got no response.

She began heading toward me, and I called her repeatedly but received no reaction. She came up to my bed and bent over, but her silhouette remained completely dark; I couldn’t see her clothes or face. I then pulled the blankets over my head and laid there for a few minutes, too afraid to reveal myself.

When I finally did, the figure vanished, leaving me alone once more. I swear I was completely awake and can still feel the fear I had back then. I don’t know why I noticed that. © spandex_manufactuer / Reddit

Story 10

When I was younger, I had a lava lamp. When it was turned on, it would get really hot. Because it was yellow, I used it to draw at night. So I was sitting there, painting, when the lamp suddenly switched off.

I started worrying since I’m terrified of the dark, and I called my mother for help. She came into my room, and when I explained the situation, she stated the lamp had never been turned on, and I had been sitting in the dark the entire time. I touched the bulb and it felt cold… © Unknown author / Reddit

Story 11

My niece’s toy, a battery-operated talking plush animal, began talking one day (the same things it always said), despite the fact that the item had no batteries inside. © Avenging-Robot / Reddit

Story 12

I was in my living room having a conversation with my partner when a water bottle that had been in the middle of the kitchen counter shot through the air as if hurled, passing through the half-wall opening and landing on the living room carpeting. The house was once my grandmother’s, and I was her entire world. He must have said something she disliked. © laurcoogy / Reddit

For illustrative purpose only.

Story 13

When I was six or seven years old, I couldn’t sleep and lay on my back, staring out the window. I practically blinked, and it was dawn, as if time had mysteriously moved forward by hours. I know I did not sleep, and nothing like that has ever happened again. © redheadmomster6** / Reddit

Story 14

My roommate discovered a strange key in their car. They hadn’t driven anyone anywhere, the car was locked, the windows were rolled up, and a key to nothing we owned was neatly positioned in the center of the passenger seat. © Ryukotaicho / Reddit

Story 15

After giving birth, my buddy sent me flowers in a beautiful vase as a gift and told me not to return the vase. After some time, I relocated it to the top of my fridge, directly in the center. My husband and I were sitting together when it suddenly jumped off the fridge and smashed into a million pieces.

I informed my buddy about it, and strangely enough, she mentioned that the same vase had jumped off her counter but not broken. It terrified her, so she gave it to me. I also omitted to mention that she informed me a handful other people possessed it before her, and it jumped off their counters too. © ladybuglyndsey / Reddit

Story 16

I was home alone, reading in bed, when I heard the front door creak open. I knew I’d locked it. I grabbed my phone, ready to call for aid, but then I received a text. It was from my phone number. The message simply stated, “I’m in the house.” My pulse raced as I heard slow, deliberate footsteps approaching my bedroom. I locked the door, but the footsteps ceased immediately outside. I heard a quiet knock, followed by my own voice asking, “Let me in.” Then everything remained silent, as if nothing had happened, and the message vanished from my phone. But I am certain that was not a dream or my imagination.